About the Instrument
Some things
you may
like to have
explained about the accordion ....
to |
he accordion is a much loved instrument, by
professionals and amateurs alike. Here at Allodi Accordions, we specialise in the traditional instrument, so
although the accordion has moved
successfully into midi and electronics, we have tended to stick to the
typical pieces, committed to the restoration and maintenance of the
established brands and models, or just an instrument that you have loved,
played and cared for and don't want to lose. |
I am
assuming that many people visiting our website will be doing so in order
to find a suitable instrument to buy. I have compiled a selection of
most frequently asked questions, which will give you a factual
knowledge and help clear up some common misunderstandings that people have about the
terms used to describe the accordion. If
you require further information or do not understand any explanation
offered in this page, please do not hesitate to e-mail or telephone me to
discuss your specific query; or better still, come along to the shop. |
is meant by voices or sets of reeds?
Many people confuse voices
with couplers (see below). For
example the picture below shows a 4 voice or 4 sets of reeds
accordion. However this does not mean that it has 4 different sounds; it means that it
has 4 blocks of reeds inside, so when you play any note, depending on what
coupler or register is depressed, a maximum of 4 actual reeds will be
heard. Accordions will have from 2 sets to 5 sets of reeds in general. There are
many combinations available today but usually 48 bass instruments will be
2 voice, 72 and 80 bass 3 voice, 96 & 120 will be 3 or 4 voice. 5
voice is not so popular as it is rather bulky. The trend has been to get
as many sets of reeds into the smallest accordions - the best selling
models for quite some time have been 72 & 96 bass with 4 sets of
reeds. There is always a compromise as the amount of notes on the treble
keyboard is less on a 72 bass (34 piano keys) than on a standard 96 bass
(37 piano keys). |
are couplers or registers?
These are the switches usually
in front of the keyboard on the grill which operate slides under the reed
blocks which will engage or disengage the various reeds by cutting off the
air supply giving you
combinations of sounds. The dots which are normally shown on the
couplers tell you which sets of reeds are playing. Sometimes one or two
couplers may be repeated at either end for convenience depending where you
are on the keyboard. A wrist or palm coupler is quite often found along
the edge of the keys; this will usually take you back to the master
setting meaning all the sets of reeds are open. Usually on instruments over 48 bass there are some bass
couplers which are found between the bellows and the bass buttons; these
only affect the left hand reeds and are generally used to balance the
sound between the bass and treble. |
is meant by "Musette"?
Musette refers
to a type of tuning, usually associated with French or Scottish sounds. The true
musette tuning is when you have 3 middle reeds, (also called 8 ' or clarinet
reeds); one in
tune, one tuned flat and one tuned sharp thus causing the notes to vibrate
against each other. When
these 3 reeds sound simultaneously, this is what we refer to as musette. Depending
on how far sharp and flat the reeds are tuned will vary the speed of musette; in
other words, the further sharp and flat, the stronger the musette.
warned - just because the word "musette" is written on a coupler, it does not
necessarily mean that it is authentic musette tuning.The manufacturers in these
are letting you know that this is the nearest to the musette sound that you will achieve with
this particular instrument and this is why it is better to look at the dots on the coupler
instead of the words; 3 in a row in the middle segment means you have the necessary
3 clarinet reeds. I have dealt with many customers that had bought accordions
elsewhere which they believed to be musette tuned because they had been given incorrect
information by the seller. Unfortunately to add extra confusion I have
come across the odd accordion with incorrect coupler markings of names and
dots from the factories!
Right hand image is an imitation musette coupler
on a double-octave tuned accordion .........
What is meant
by "cassotto" or "tone chamber"?
Cassotto is an Italian word meaning 'box'; it is also referred to as
"tone chamber". The reeds that are placed in this chamber
have a far more mellow and rich tone. As you can see from the photograph
below, the accordion is
constructed differently to standard models, and in any make would be regarded as the top
of the range. The instrument becomes slightly heavier (about
2lbs on average).These models always cost more as the
construction is more complicated with 2 sets of pallets being required to
cover the sets of reeds. It is possible to have your cassotto accordion
either with musette or double octave tuning; in most people's
opinion a musette tuned instrument is better with no cassotto as the idea
of the musette sound is that it should be bright and sparkling
and the cassotto mellows one of the three 8' reeds. However it has a
beautifully rich sound of its own and is a popular choice especially in
the 96 bass specification. Occasionally on a five sets of
reeds cassotto accordion you may find that the piccolo (4') reed is placed
in the chamber instead of the clarinet (8') reed so that the musette sound
is left pure. |
sets of reeds Double Cassotto accordion
Click photo
for full size
view of a
cassotto cross
section |
4 sets of reeds accordion

What is meant
by "double & single cassotto"?
Double Cassotto means that you have 2 sets of
reeds in the chamber, usually the bassoon reed (16' ) and the' in
tune' clarinet reed (8'). A single cassotto accordion has only one set in
the chamber (the 16'). Strange as it may sound, the single cassotto
accordion has a bigger body than the double cassotto because of the way the reed blocks need to be
placed inside. |
is meant by "double octave" tuning?
octave tuning is the other option of tuning to musette. For this style of tuning,
the 'flat' middle reed in the musette tuned accordions is replaced by a piccolo reed (4'
or octavina reed). Therefore on a standard four sets of reeds instrument there
will be one bassoon reed (16'), two clarinet reeds, (8') and one piccolo reed (4').
If an accordion has only three sets of reeds it will normally have one 16' and two 8'
reeds. Occasionally instruments come into stock with the more unusual 16', 8' and 4'
format, however this is not a popular specification today as there is no second 8' reed to
give the vibration or tremolo sound. |
How much does the average accordion
Many people put too much emphasis on
the physical weight of an accordion rather than the ease and comfort of
playing it; if you have a very good quality instrument the reeds will
respond far quicker and easier thus requiring less effort to play than one
of lesser quality. This can often be misunderstood to seem that the
accordion is actually heavier but if you have opened and closed the
bellows twice as much on a cheaper instrument because the reeds need more
air to play you will naturally tire quicker. However, with the
choice of specifications available today it is a good idea not to buy an
instrument with more keyboard length than you really need; many folk
players for example never need more than a 72 bass as the majority of the
music is usually played in the keys of G,D & A. (A lot of
English folk players use a two row melodeon set in the keys of D and G but
obviously this is a generalisation). I have compiled a few examples
of average weights for a cross section of instruments which will give you
a rough guide if this is something that is relevant to your selection.
of average accordion weights |
48 Bass - 2 sets of reeds
- approximately 5-6 kilos (11-13lbs) |
72 Bass - 3 sets of reeds
- approximately 7-8.5 kilos (15-18lbs) |
72 Bass - 4 sets of reeds
- approximately 8-9 kilos (17-20Ibs) |
96 Bass - 4 sets of reeds
-approximately 9-10 kilos (20-22Ibs)** |
120 Bass - 3 sets of reeds
-approximately 9-10 kilos (20-22Ibs) |
120 Bass - 4 sets of reeds
- approximately 10.5-11 kilos (23-24.5Ibs) |
120 Bass Cassotto - 4 sets
of reeds - approximately 11-13 kilos (24.5-28.5Ibs) |
click here to view an
accordion that is the exception to this rule!
What is a melodeon?
It is a small diatonic instrument
usually with buttons on both sides in either a one, two or three row
format on the right hand and used mainly by folk and traditional
players. There is an enormous variety of specifications made in
different keys for different countries. Some melodeons have stops
(couplers) on the top of the instrument which are simple devices for
closing off any sets of reeds. The one row melodeon only allows you
to play in that one key that the instrument is tuned to. The Cajun
musicians generally use a 1 row with 4 sets of reeds. They
sometimes come with two bass levers or also with four bass buttons.
A different note plays depending on whether the bellows is pushed or
pulled. The rows are set to major keys - for example D/G
melodeons used by the English folk players usually have two rows of
buttons on the right hand, the outer row is in the key of D major and the
inner row in G major and generally they are played "down" the
rows. Two row models normally have 8 bass buttons. The Irish and Scottish melodeons are now usually tuned in B/C. These
instruments are generally played "across" the rows, enabling the
player to play in various keys depending on the bass buttons they have - the standard tuning on the bass for the B/C models is F/C,
G/C, E/A and D/G (major chords). Other tunings sometimes seen are
C/C#, C#/D and D/D# (any tunings are available upon request, however
instruments can also be altered to anything desired by replacing or
retuning the existing reeds). A system still made today that was very
popular in the forties and fifties is the "Club" system. This
usually has 2½ rows, commonly in C/F or B flat /E flat ; the half row
would consist of accidental notes to make the instrument more
Some 3 row instruments are regarded as diatonic but may
have a standard stradella bass system such as the Shand Morino or Paolo Soprani
Elite 111; the usual tuning for these models is B/C/C#. Some
three rows however have diatonic bass - 12 is normal but this can vary in
number depending on which country it is being made for.
What is a
Concertinas are small, usually
hexagonal instruments. They fall into two categories: The English and the
Anglo-Chromatic system.
Pictured left is an instrument with the English system. This has more buttons and plays the
same note regardless of the direction of the bellows.
Picture right is the Anglo-Chromatic model and this has fewer buttons but plays a different note when
pushing or pulling
the bellows. As a rule they are generally less expensive. The
cheaper end of the market is the Chinese model and it starts at
approximately £100. |
What is a bandoneon?
a large concertina. There are different systems and sizes and as with
concertinas some models play a different note when pushing or pulling the
bellows and some play the same. The models that I personally have sold in
the past have mostly been the different note version playing a 16' and 8'
reed together. The Victoria 'Serie Vallesi' bandoneon is one of the best
models made today in Italy; this has zinc reeds (which are heavier) but
have a wonderful sound. |
How long do
accordions last?
As with anything,
some instruments are going to be better than others. It will apply
that in many respects you get what you pay for. We sell instruments
of all prices, and obviously the cheaper ranges will not be as well made
as the more expensive instruments. However there is a three year guarantee
on all accordions regardless of where
they are made. People often assume that because an instrument is very
cheap it will probably break down every five minutes; this is not
true. The main downside to the cheaper makes is that the response of the
reeds is not as good so you will find that more effort is required to
project the sound. Generally, people
may start with a small, cheaper instrument, to see how they get along and
then move upwards when they know if they are going to stick with it, and
have achieved a better level of listening to enable them to make a more
considered choice. It is quite possible that your instrument could
last your lifetime. With careful storing and handling, and regular
maintenance, your accordion will stay healthier than you!!!
When should I have any maintenance
carried out?
you have any faults on the mechanisms such as bass or keys sticking or
couplers jamming then these problems should be repaired as soon as
possible as they could cause further damage if not remedied. NEVER
force couplers as you may end up breaking the aluminium slides; oiling the
mechanism will only clog it up and then will require full
dismantling to clean it. Any problems with certain notes not
sounding correctly can quite often be repaired while you wait even if the
reeds are broken; however if you are hearing lots of "clicks" or
buzzing from the reeds you may have problems with the valves which can
possibly require a full overhaul. The reed shown (right) is a
side view showing both valves; one valve is flush to the reed plate and
this is how it should be, the other side clearly shows a problem which
would cause the clicking mentioned above. Some faults may appear to be
very serious, but don't panic; on numerous occasions customers have come
to the shop expecting bad news about their repairs only to have it
repaired in minutes while they watched. |
How do I best look after my accordion?
The accordion is generally a hard wearing instrument if treated
correctly. Try to keep it dust free and in an environment with an
even temperature. As with almost any other instruments, do not place
it near a radiator, heating source or direct sunlight. In extreme
cases, an accordion left in the back seat of a car on a very hot, sunny
day can cause the wax around the reeds to melt neccessitating a complete
renovation. The worst you can do to an accordion is store it in a damp
place. The reeds will get rusty very quickly and the instrument will go
badly out of tune. Even if the accordion looks to be in perfect condition
on the outside it will require a full overhaul of the reeds which is expensive;
this procedure involves the removal of the reeds from the wooden reed
(there are approx. 220 double-sided reeds & 400 valves in a full size accordion ) laid out on trays, cleaned thoroughly, re-valved,
re-waxed back onto the wooden blocks and finally tuned. The picture
you see on the left shows just one side of one reed. This kind of work
(including any general repairs to the mechanisms) would take approximately
two weeks and cost between £500-£600. If you store your accordion
in its case it is best to wrap the straps behind the accordion rather
than pulling them over the keyboard as over the years I have had to repair hundreds of
keys that have been forced out of position by the strap buckles catching
the edge of the key as the straps are pulled over, as well as having the
possibility of scratching the cellulose covering. |
Some manufacturers use a different amount of resin in the wax mixture so
the effect might not be so bad as the picture opposite - however I don't
think it is worth finding out which is the best mix, do you? Another
common problem that can also occur to your instrument if you leave it in
direct sunlight, is that over a period of time, the cellulose will discolour if it is
not black.
(The accordion shown came in for repair recently after having been left in
a shop window).
Are they difficult to learn to
No, not at all. It helps enormously if you can already read music, play piano,
or in fact any instrument to any degree. But even so, whether you are having personal tuition or if you follow a good tutor
book, for example, the Anzaghi tutor, and practise
consistently, your ability and technique will quickly improve. People
believe that the co-ordination is very difficult but this is usually
because they are trying to play both hands together before they have
mastered each hand separately. In addition, I believe it's good to
have your instrument within easy access as this encourages the desire to
pick it up and practise regularly instead of the hassle of having to pull
it in and out of it's case which can cause damage if you are careless as
described in a previous question. |
I will try to add to
this section on a regular basis, time allowing, (although it hasn't so
far). However, I hope that the
content as it stands will still be helpful to those of you who have taken the time to
read it. Then again, if you have a problem that is worrying you
regarding your accordion, simply give me a call and we can talk it
Emilio Allodi |